#SparkofMagic: 002 Getting Results

The Question: | “Tips on getting results for bars, clubs, hookah lounges, any videos or articles I should look at?”

Short Answer: | It’s all about the offer! Don’t just advertise your business, provide value to your potential customers!

Expanded: | We have seen many variations of this theme of question, asking about getting results for this or for that, and the answer is more times than not the same. Its all about the offer!!! Yes of course your targeting parameters are a huge factor, your ad copy obviously plays a role, the media(image or video) you use with your ad is very important. But the most important thing that you need to consider is the offer.

As stated above, you don’t just want to advertise your business, as in just slapping up an ad with your logo talking about what you offer and a link to your website. Thats not going to yield a high CTR. No Clicks = No Conversions.

This is where the offer comes in, the whole “Providing Your Potential Customers with Value” thing. And value can come in so many forms, this is where the creative thinking comes in and you need to value stack different services and resources at a discounted rate or for FREE if you can, but again that depends on the offer. Theres just so many possibilities.

To expand on the “Value Stack”, say your running a promotion for your bar, an “ok” offer could be a no cover charge for the individual, but an even “better” offer would be; No cover charge, 2 free drinks, and a free appetizer(small portion, something easy, low cost). So as you can see the more value stacking the more enticing the offer becomes. Leading to more clicks, more opt-ins for retargeting, which means more conversions, more people at your bar. (They will order more drinks and food after they finish off the free, lol.)

Some could say, “What if they just come for the free stuff and leave?”, to that I say thats not really my problem. LOL, let me explain, the ad gets them there for the free stuff, its then up to the owner to finish the conversion into actual spending via atmosphere, customer service, quality of food, etc. you get my point.

So in conclusion, what we’re saying is, no matter what niche your looking to get results for, our answer will always be the same, because the niche just determines exactly how you will tailor your ad, but the core components stay the same.

At times like this we look to the words of The Godfather: “I’m gonna make him an offer he can’t refuse.”

As far articles, look up as much as you can, and look at the advertising laws for your specific areas to see what work arounds you may need to implement. For example, Facebook will not allow you to advertise tobacco or tobacco related things. Some things you can do, is one, pay an influencer to promote your product and give them a code they can offer to followers to get a discount or something along those lines. You can advertise through podcasts. Advertise locally in older traditional mediums. Those are a few examples, but depending on what advertising platform you plan on using and your specific area, those restrictions and workarounds will vary.

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