FB Algorithm Update 2019 | Why FB Groups Are Now More Important Than Ever
FB Algorithm Update 2019 | Why FB Groups Are Now More Important Than Ever No doubt everyone has noticed the update made to Facebook and Instagram. Today, here and now, we want to jump into the implications that has, our focus will be on Facebook. With the new interface comes a change to the feed algorithm that, again we are sure you have noticed. Your feed is now focusing on content from “groups and events.”. […]
3 Features Instagram Needs Yesterday
3 Features Instagram Needs Yesterday http://time.com/4578423/instagram-new-features-update-snapchat/ It can’t just be us upset about the lack of features on Instagram. Don’t get us wrong we love the platform, but we can’t help but be frustrated at the absence of 3 key features that the platform should have had years ago. If your just a regular user, you may not see the lack of these features as a big deal, but as a business operating multiple pages […]