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FB Algorithm Update 2019 | Why FB Groups Are Now More Important Than Ever

FB Algorithm Update 2019 | Why FB Groups Are Now More Important Than Ever

No doubt everyone has noticed the update made to Facebook and Instagram. Today, here and now, we want to jump into the implications that has, our focus will be on Facebook. With the new interface comes a change to the feed algorithm that, again we are sure you have noticed. Your feed is now focusing on content from “groups and events.”. This comes in the form of a hard reboot of Mark Zuckerberg’s 2018 vision of wanting to drive more meaningful interactions from “friends, family and groups.” on the platform.

They nailed that update, my feed has been how I liked it over the past year with my feed prioritizing my friends.

But now it really is just groups and events lol, they really dropped those friends and family hard, I would say that my feed is now 85% posts from my groups, and 15% from my friends. To be honest, Im not a fan, and I’m not sure what happened with the execution of Facebooks vision, but we are not getting meaningful interactions from friends and family, mostly just groups, please let me know how your feed has been looking and if you like the changes.

I find myself now more than ever randomly scrolling past all the posts cuz its stuff I wouldn’t comment on, big fb groups can be spammy sometimes, and im seeing a lot of those posts shine through on my feed, not a fan.

But anyway, personal opinion aside.

What does this mean for the current landscape?

1. Create a Group: Your going to want to create a group, you may already have one or you may not, but more than likely if your reading this you at least have a FB Page, well, create a group for the page and start putting some effort and time there as the algorithm will favor your group more than anything else at this point.

2. Focus on Video Content: This has been true for a while, but now Live Video is especially important, and you need to utilize it whenever you can.

3. Replies and Interactions: If someone takes the time to post on your content or make a reaction or post a emote, make sure you take the time to come up with a response and liking their comment, even if your commenting a heart reply, you need to comment back as that shows the algorithm that this piece of content is a conversation starter.

4. Sharing: Getting shares has always been great and still is, but to increase your ranking through shares its important to note that content being shared through direct messenger is ranked higher by the algorithm as well as the engagement you get on the shares.

5. As always above all else, create high quality content.

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